Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Landfill, Civilization, Disposability, Material Culture, Essay - 1

Landfill, Civilization, Disposability, Material Culture, - Essay Example 1 Production of disposable materials is a key concept in waste management. Common waste management practices include decreasing overall waste production, production of disposable materials, use of landfill and recycling. However, use of disposable materials as means of managing waste products has received much criticism from environmentalists.2 For example, recycling of disposable glass bottles, needles and syringes is responsible for spreading HIV, Hepatitis and other viral diseases. In addition to this, production of disposable material has led to dirtying the environment s such material take time to decompose. In addition to this, as the material decompose; they harbor bacteria and other organisms which cause diseases such as cholera. Lastly, disposable materials encourage users to be irresponsible as they throw waste material anywhere hoping it will decompose.3 It is therefore pointless for individuals to rely on disposable products. Instead, they should rely on recyclable materials. For example, shoppers can carry their goods in reusable bags rather than disposable plastic bags. Similarly, hand towels as well as other disposables should be replaced with cloth towel or hand

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