Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Israek essays

Israek essays Anlisis Histrico de Israel. Israel tiene una historia muy extensa, rica, compleja y supremamente conflictiva. A lo largo de todo el proceso histrico de conformacin del actual Estado de Israel, el territorio y regin, ms conocida como Palestina, ha sido objeto de constantes disputas, bien sea por su ubicacin estratgica, o por la proliferacin del conflicto arabe-israeli. Lo que ha caracterizado a esta regin, es que ha estado expuesta a continuos movimientos migratorios, que comenzaron hacia el an ha sido ampliamente influenciada y gobernada por muchos poderes extranjeros: Asirios, babilonios, persas, griegos, romanos, bizantinos, rabes, cruzados, mamelucos, turcos otomanos y britnicos. A pesar de estos continuos cambios de gobierno, que traen consigo, nuevas costumbres, nuevos habitantes, nuevas ideologà ­as, se mantuvieron en el exilio la identidad nacional y religiosa de los judà ­os, la religin pues, ha sido uno de los lazos principales, que ha logrado mantener una identidad propia a lo largo de todos los siglos, pero igualmente y en mi concepto, la religin no fue (en un comienzo) la causa y motivo fundamental de la situacin actual de violencia y conflicto que se vive al interior del Estado de Israel, las causas van ms all. La polà ­tica neocolonial se encarg de provocar el enfrentamiento de dos comunidades que histricamente habà ­an convivido en el mismo territorio sin encausarse en grandes luchas y contiendas. Tal vez, hasta el siglo XIX, esa convivencia fue un perfecto ejemplo de tolerancia, que cambio gracias a las polà ­ticas mencionadas a...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Biography Topics

Biography Topics Are you looking for an interesting person to write about? Youll find that the more you are intrigued or inspired by your subject, the more time youll give to this assignment. This list may inspire you. Try to find a biography subject you enjoy reading about! Albert Einstein (scientist)Alexander Fleming (scientist)Alexander Graham Bell (inventor)Alexander the Great (leader)Amelia Earhart (aviation)Anne Frank (Holocaust)Benjamin Franklin (Founding Father)Betty Ford (inspirational)Carl Sagan (scientist)Charles Lindbergh (aviation)Clarence Birdseye (inventor)Eli Whitney (inventor)Elie Wiesel (Holocaust)Frank Lloyd Wright (architect)George Eastman (inventor)George Washington Carver (agricultural chemist)Henry Ford (industrialist)Isaac Newton (scientist)Jacques Cousteau (explorer)Jane Goodall (anthropologist)Johann Gutenberg (inventor)John Deere (inventor)John F. Kennedy (political leader)John James Audubon (nature)Jonas Salk (scientist, inventor)Karl Benz (inventor)Leonardo da Vinci (scientist and artist)Lewis Braille (inventor)Margaret Mead (anthropologist)Marie Curie (physicist and chemist)Martin Luther King, Jr. (civil rights)Medgar Evers (civil rights)Mohandas Gandhi (political leader)Mother Teresa (Nobel Prize winner)Nelson Mandela (poli tical leader)Patrick Henry (Founding Father)Rachel Carson (conservationist)Robert Goddard (physicist and inventor)Rosa Parks (civil rights)Samuel Morse (inventor)Sandra Day OConnor (political leader)Stephen Hawking (scientist)Susan B. Anthony (famous women)Thomas Edison (inventor)W.E.B. Dubois (civil rights)Wright Brothers (inventors)Winston Churchill (political leader)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How violent video games have positive and negative effects on children Essay

How violent video games have positive and negative effects on children - Essay Example Harmless games like Pac-man started catching the child’s attention for hours and this was the beginning of game addiction in kids. With time, development of graphics and better appealing games started appearing in the market. With rapid increase of the gaming market, the genres of games started to change and new eon was set, where games did not look harmless anymore and the violence level inhabited by these games started becoming pretty alarming. One of the first high violent games that caught the world by storm was ‘Mortal Kombat’, a unique two player fighting game. The violence however was the nature of fighting and the brutal moves that were incorporated by each character. The game also showcased extreme violence in the end of each level, in which the losing game character would die a sadistic death by getting his body parts ripped by the other character. Due to this attribute of the game, it became an instant rage especially amongst teenagers. Media has played a major part installing ideas of violence amongst children and teenagers. Violence filled games has taken this to the next level. The following study of comparison between a violent game and a non violent game indicates the impact they can have on teenager’s mind: â€Å"They also found (Study 2) that participants who played Wolfenstein 3D (a violent game where the player â€Å"walks â€Å"through a castle, armed with various weapons, and attempts to kill people) in the lab behaved more aggressively than participants who played a nonviolent game† (Bruce D. Bartholow & Craig A. Anderson. Page 2.2001) The question that arises is can we co-relate extreme violence in schools with violence in video games. Pre-teens boys are always using the techniques and moves shown in the games on each other. However the alarming part comes, when these school kids decide to kill their classmates and teachers in similar game fashion. The one player shooting games has a deep effect on teenagers and if the child is

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Landfill, Civilization, Disposability, Material Culture, Essay - 1

Landfill, Civilization, Disposability, Material Culture, - Essay Example 1 Production of disposable materials is a key concept in waste management. Common waste management practices include decreasing overall waste production, production of disposable materials, use of landfill and recycling. However, use of disposable materials as means of managing waste products has received much criticism from environmentalists.2 For example, recycling of disposable glass bottles, needles and syringes is responsible for spreading HIV, Hepatitis and other viral diseases. In addition to this, production of disposable material has led to dirtying the environment s such material take time to decompose. In addition to this, as the material decompose; they harbor bacteria and other organisms which cause diseases such as cholera. Lastly, disposable materials encourage users to be irresponsible as they throw waste material anywhere hoping it will decompose.3 It is therefore pointless for individuals to rely on disposable products. Instead, they should rely on recyclable materials. For example, shoppers can carry their goods in reusable bags rather than disposable plastic bags. Similarly, hand towels as well as other disposables should be replaced with cloth towel or hand

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Decentralisation Advantages and Limitations of Decentralization Essay Example for Free

Decentralisation Advantages and Limitations of Decentralization Essay Decentralisation of authority is another concept closely related to centralisation. The delegation of authority by an individual manager is closely related to organization’s Decentralisation of authority. Decentralisation of authority means conscious/systematic effort to bring dispersal (spreading) of decision making power to the lower levels of the Organisation. In decentralisation, only broad powers will be reserved at the top level. Such powers include power to plan, organise, direct and control and maximum powers will delegated to the authority at the lower level. Decentralisation is just opposite to centralisation. Under centralisation, authority is mostly concentrated at the top level management. Centralisation and decentralisation are mutually dependent. In a large Organisation, the process of centralisation and decentralisation co-exist and reinforce each other. Decentralisation is a natural development when the Organisation grows large and complex. Here, centralisation of management is neither possible nor desirable. The only practical solution is to divide the Organisation into decision-making units and giving the powers to take routine types of decisions in regard to the functioning of those units. This is decentralisation in practice. In decentralisation, systematic efforts are being made to delegate to the lowest levels all authority except that which can only be exercised at the central points. Decentralisation is delegation not from one individual to another but delegation to all units in an Organisation. A company is said to be highly decentralized, when the delegation is company-wide in all functions and divisions of the company and also for a wide range of authorities and responsibilities. Decentralisation is different from centralisation as in centralisation, the decision making power is in the hands of one person only. We observe such centralisation in sole trading concerns. It is also noted that centralisation is one feature of traditional management in India while decentralisation is a normal practice under professional management. Definitions of Decentralisation According to Henry Fayol, Everything that goes to increase the importance of the subordinate’s role is decentralisation, everything that goes to reduce it is centralisation. According to Louis Allen, decentralisation refers to the systematic effort to delegate to the lowest levels all authority except that which can only be exercised at central point. This definition makes it clear that even in decentralisation, delegation to the lowest levels is not complete as the basic functions in the management process are centralized. Advantages / Importance of Decentralization 1. Decentralisation helps to improve the quality of decisions/decision-making at the top level management : Decentralisation of authority among other executives at all levels in the Organisation relieves the top executive of the excessive burden saving his valuable time, which he can devote to more important and long-term problems. This is bound to improve the quality of his decisions regarding such problems. 2. Decentralisation facilitates diversification of activities : It is a matter of common experience that an Organisation with departmentation on the basis of products facilitates diversification of products or market even when the authority is centralized. Decentralisation takes this process a step further. Managers of semi-autonomous product divisions are able to utilise their skills and experienced judgment. This has a bearing on their products and the market. The enterprise also attains maximum possible growth. Decentralisation is beneficial when new product lines or new activities are introduced in an Organisation. Such policy creates self sufficient units under overall co-ordination of top level management. 3. Decentralisation encourages development of managerial personnel : Most companies find lack of managerial talent as a limiting factor in their growth. A company cannot expand effectively beyond the scope and abilities of its managerial personnel. Capable managers, however, can be developed only by giving managerial jobs to suitable persons and delegating them the authority to make important decisions. Such wide exposure gives them opportunity to grow and to have self development for higher positions. The more talented and capable persons will learn and improve and qualify themselves for higher managerial positions. Only a decentralized Organisation can offer such opportunities to future managers without involving additional expenditure. A decentralized Organisation also allows its managers adequate freedom to try new ideas, methods or techniques. In brief, decentralisation creates a team of competent managers at the disposal of the company. 4. Decentralisation improves motivation : Research conducted by social scientists has proved that the Organisation structure itself exercises some influence on the motivation of the people working within it. An Organisation structure which facilitates delegation, communication and participation also provides greater motivation to its managers for higher productivity. Decentralized Organisation structure is most favorable for raising the morale and motivation of subordinates which is visible through better work performance. 5. Decentralisation makes decision-making quicker and better : Since decisions do not have to be referred up through the hierarchy, quicker and better decisions at lower levels can be taken. Divisional heads are motivated to make such decisions that will create the maximum profit because they are held responsible for the effect of their decisions on profits. Thus decentralisation facilitates quick and result-oriented decisions by concerned persons. 6. Decentralisation provides opportunity to learn by doing : Decentralisation provides a positive climate where there is freedom to make decisions, freedom to use judgment and freedom to act. It gives practical training to middle level managers and facilitates management development at the enterprise level. Limitations of Decentralization 1. Decentralisation may lead to the problem of co-ordination at the level of an enterprise as the decision-making authority is not concentrated. 2. Decentralisation may lead to inconsistencies (i.e. absence of uniformity) at the Organisation level. For example, uniform policies or procedures may not be followed for the same type of work in different divisions. 3. Decentralisation is costly as it raises administrative expenses on account of requirement of trained personnel to accept authority at lower levels. Even the services of such highly paid manpower may not be utilised fully, particularly in small organisations. 4. Introduction of decentralisation may be difficult or may not be practicable in small concerns where product lines are not broad enough for the creation of autonomous units for administrative purposes. 5. Decentralisation creates special problems particularly when the enterprise is facing number of uncertainties or emergency situations. The decision-making process gets delayed and even correct decisions as per the changing situations may not be possible. Decentralization Is Not An Unmixed Blessing The advantages of decentralisation are more significant as compared to its limitations. The limitations suggest possible problems relating to decentralisation. Efforts should be made to solve these problems. It is certainly not desirable to have centralisation (in place of decentralisation) only because of certain limitations. However, to what extent the organisation should be decentralized is a delicate issue. Here, certain factors such as size of the organisation and the abilities of lower level managers need careful consideration.

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Improvement of Automobile Fuel Economy :: Cars Fuel Oil Automobiles Essays

The Improvement of Automobile Fuel Economy Abstract In today’s society, it has been determined by energy analysts that fuel consumption is increasing at an alarming rate. This is due to the large influx of drivers on the road, and the increase in travel demands. Since energy is not a finite commodity, there have to be certain movements taken to improve the fuel economy in automobiles. Certain technological advances have been discovered, such as reduction in vehicle weight, and improvements in the engine design, that can greatly increase the efficiency of the automobiles. However, these improvements will come at a cost ultimately to the consumer. With government mandates on average fleet mpg ratings increasing by the year 2001, it is becoming imperative that there be a joint venture between industry and government to meet these guidelines, in the effort to increase fuel efficiency. Introduction: In today’s world, one of the major topics of the day is the unknown future of energy. Energy is a commodity that is devoured by the entire world. However, it is also something that, in many senses, cannot be restored. Take, for instance, gasoline. Today’s society is extremely dependent on the role of the automobile as a means of transportation. However, with the exponential growth of our dependency on cars, the use of gasoline, and in many cases its waste, has grown enormously also. Therefore it is understandable that the growing depletion of gasoline has lead to the furthering of initiatives to improve the overall fuel efficiency of automobiles. In fact, the improvements have been increasing year by year. However, there has also been a steady increase in the price of petroleum, along with the steady increase in its demand. Supply, however, is an entity that is uncertain. This is because the majority of the world’s oil supply comes from unstable areas, namely the Middle East. Despite these uncertainties, the automobile, in this case in the United States, is becoming more and more the principal means of transportation for the masses. The days of the trolley, and other means of public transportation have long since passed, and the automobile has been intertwined into the American lifestyle. This domination has also, in fact, spread across the border toward Canada, and across the sea to most of Western Europe. Despite a faint resurgence of public transportation, such as buses and trains, the automobile is still the primary mode of personal transportation in the United States.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Essay

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe is probably the most famous German writer. He has often been called â€Å"the last true polymath to walk the earth†. Although he was not born there, he spent most of his life in Weimar in the former East Germany. Write a brief research paper in English (500 words), make sure to include the following information: Which other talents did he possess that earned him the name polymath? Where and when did he die? Name three of his most important novels. Use sites you find on the Internet and remember to include a WORKS CITED section so that your teacher Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was born in August 28, 1749, Frankfurt. He was not an aristocrat but raised in a middle class family. Goethe grew up close to art and literature, at age 8 he wrote a poem; at 13 he first published his very own collection of poetry. He studied law in college and opened up his own office as told by his father, but his interest was already leaned toward literature world. Since then he gathered around with other writers, focus on more variety of books, and study poetries and dramas. In 1772, Goethe stays at Wetzlar and met Johann Kestner. Kestner had a finace named Charlotte Buff, Goethe fell in love with her at the first sight and secretly admires her. After coming back to Frankfurt, he hears a news saying that one of his friend died in situation similar to his. With his experience and the story of his friend, he writes ‘The Sorrow of Young Werther’ which became popular with its publication. Goethe became famous at early twenties. In 1775, Goethe leaves Frankfurt and goes to what became his second hometown, Weimer. In this small dukedom with population about 6,000, he gains trust of Duke Carl August. Carl August gave Goethe several official positions in his court and Goethe became his chief adviser. Although he was very successful in his career, his anxiety that arose with his thirst for art and literature was getting bigger every day. Even his relationships with Charlotte von Stein, his lover, and contemporary intellectual Hether did not satisfy his thirst. Finally, he left Weimer, where he stayed for ten years and wander around. In 1786, Goethe travels around Italy for three years, he visits  Rome, sees and experience new things. In 1788, he comes back to Weimer. His experience at Italy was indeed revolutionary and set a turning point in Goethe’s career. Beautiful art pieces he has seen at Italy influenced Goethe to become a Classicist, however he lost his old friends who could not understand changed Goethe. But luckily he met Schiller, who was another great figure in German literature. They sometimes worked together, influenced together, and inspired each other. During these years, pieces like Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship, Iphigenie auf Tauris, Egmont, Torquato Tasso, and Reineke Fuchs came out. But in 1805, Schiller died of age 48. This shocked Goethe, but overall he lived a peaceful life from 1809 to his death with his artistic fervent at its peak. Faust, Elective Affinities, the West-Eastern, From My Life: Poetry and Truth, all came out during this period. Goethe not only was a guru in literary world but also he was an expert in science, religious studies, and politics, which gained him the name polymath. He was deeply involved in natural science and showed interest in morphology and color theory. Some of his works include, Metamorphosis of Plants and Theory of Colours. Also, being born in Lutheran family and having experience serving Duke Carl August made him influential in those areas as well. In March 22nd, 1832 in Weimer, he died at age of 83. During his 80 years of life he published quantity amount of poems, dramas, novels, and so on. His works had both depth and width and this significantly elevated German literature which were known to be underdeveloped at the time. He is still regarded as a great literary guru to these days and will be remembered forever. Work Cited C.D. Merriman, Literature Network: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. 2012 December 13.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Japanese Family

Japanese family is known for being industrious, hardworking and for being responsible; but they have time for leisure. Japan is instituted through what they call the ie system. The ie or household is considered as the basic unit of Japanese law until the end of World War II. It consists of grandparents, their son and his wife and their children.Each family was required to follow to the ie system, with a multigenerational household under the legal authority of a household head. (Japanese Family† access 2007) This ie system is patterned after the Confucian’s of the upper classes of the Togukawa period.The ie lay legally the authority and responsibility to the household head. Every generation supplied a man and woman , with a preference to acquire by the first son and for the patrilocal marriage. In Japan daughters were expected to get married and the younger sons were expected to establish their own family.Japanese woman have no right to legally own or control property at the same time to choose her man to be her husband. The ie system are very restricted to the development of each individual, women’s rights and most of all the individual rights. During the late World War II, Allied occupation forced to create a new family beliefs based on the equal rights for women , equal rights required by all children and the freedom to choose of spouse and field. In the late 1960’s also most Japan marriages have been based on the mutual feelings and attraction of the couple and not the parents arrangement.Actual negotiations do not start until all the concerned parties including the husband and wife are satisfied with the relationship. Japanese family current lifestyles the husband and wife are satisfied with the relationship. Japanese family current lifestyles is that the father or husband may travel to work and return late.They spend so little time for their children except Sundays which is the favorite day for family outings. While the wives cal led as â€Å"expert or professional wife† which have a total responsibility for raising their children, to guarantee their career and marriages, managing the household and at their children, to guarantee their career and marriages, managing the household and at the same time the family budget. Wife also responsible in maintaining the social relations to their relatives, neighbors and for maintaining and managing the family’s reputation. Social life of wife is separated from that of her husband.She also required to participate in the adult education or other community activities. Mother and the children are the closest emotional ties. The question whether the contemporary Japanese families still have preferences for entertainment during their free time, is obviously an interesting one. Base on research conducted, despite their busy schedule Japanese family are engaged in different forms of entertainment. Fathers in Japan, choose the following entertainment during their free time are singing in the karaoke ,listening in the Japanese music and going to the department stores.They are doing this to make them feel relaxed, enjoyed and satisfied. On the other hand, mothers in Japan are only in the house and much comfortable in serving and cooking for their family. Most of them likes to watch TV movies. They are close to their children just because they are the one staying in the house always. Children in Japan like to watch movies, reading the anime, and listening Japanese music. The two leading forms of entertainment in Japan by family members are the Karaoke and Anime. Japanese love music. They usually sing and dance even though they are not good singers.They like to hear and sing different interesting melodies like â€Å"What a Wonderful World†, Love Spreads†, â€Å"99 Red Balloons†, â€Å"Bigorouf Strikes again†. Karaoke is one of the best choices of entertainment in Japan. Karaoke is very well-known in Japan. â€Å"Karao ke as a form of entertainment†¦, is as much a part of life as music itself. †[For Japanese people]. (Newman, 2001) Japanese Japanese are very passionate in singing in the karaoke. Karaoke have different kind of shows to choose from by amateur and professional. One of the shows is a glance inside the private karaoke rooms.In Japan. And the other one is the Home karaoke systems are located at electronic stores. Fathers in Japan are very busy because of their work but they have also time to enjoy their selves and go to some karaoke bars to sing their. This is the reason why they are returning home very late. Fathers in Japan have so little time for their wife and children but they see to it that they are all together during Sunday, their favorite day for their outing. Not only have the fathers loved to sing in the karaoke also the children specially the youth sing together with their friends They expressed their feelings by singing.Mothers or wives also love music but they o nly sing in the home karaoke, because they are only staying in their house to serve their husbands. Japanese families second choice of entertainment is the Anime. Anime reminds the Japanese culture Good example of this is the Manga which every Japanese people loves specially the Japanese children. Mr. Tezuka Osamo is recognized as the Father of Anime in Japan. He was distinguished as the Mangaka or cartoonist. Tezuka Osamo introduce anime to the TV screen, one of his own Manga on 1963 which is the Tetzuwan Atomu also known in the other country as Astro Boy. (â€Å"Modern Japan â€Å")Other well known cartoonist is the Gundam in the 80’s and Neon Genesis Evangelion on 1995. Japanese had a very eager appetite for Manga or comic books during rush hour on a train. In the West mainstream comics are almost entirely for children. Japanese Manga has different types and some are not appropriate for children. Examples of this are the graphic violence and sex. Two main forms of Manga come weekly, twice-monthly and monthly magazine . style Manga and paper books. Some good examples are in the sections on animated movies and TV cartoons.Japanese used Mangajin, one of a classic magazine as a fun and effective method to learn Japanese. It was promoted last 1990-97, it also contains interesting article on different aspects of Japanese culture. There is a shonen manga which is for young guys and shojo manga which id for young girl. They deal with a science fiction, young guys and shojo manga which id for young girl. They deal with a science fiction sports and romance and tend to portray male. Characters as the male manga do with the male characters. One of the popular female manga is Sailor Moon, which became a very successful TV show.Manga become popular and exceedingly large in Japan. One of the important things learned in this course is the reality of distinct family values among different cultures. That there is a difference between an Asian culture specially to th e Japanese. According to Mr. Yakamoto â€Å"I love singing in karaoke it makes me feel relaxed and happy† Based to Mr. Yakamoto’s statement he chooses karaoke as his entertainment because he find it relaxing and happy. Almost the father in Japan, their choice of entertainment is the karaoke . While in the other Asian country likePhilippines loves to watch movies and play basketball. His wife Mrs. Yakamoto loves to cook and sing in the home karaoke because according to her she wants to give the excellent service to her husband and kids. Their little son Aikihiru Yakamoto says that â€Å"For me my choice of entertainment in our country is the Anime. I really enjoyed reading it. † Based to the Yakamoto family they emphasized that they have their own choice of entertainment which give them satisfaction. They feel relaxed and happy too. Every country has different choices of entertainment but in Japan they emphasized that the karaoke and anime are their best choice d uring their free time.Their favorite day is Sunday which all the members of the family are join together to have their outing. Mr. John E. Lamuth, 45 years old author who finished his Master of Science Degree in Counseling from California State University who wrote â€Å"The Essential Guide to Family Values under the Grand Unified Theory of Ethics and Morality† which the title involve new moral scheme is the first grand combination theory of its kind: the ethical values establish in traditional Greek philosophy improved by the writings of the great Church theologians for the past two years.The typical groupings of ethical values defined within this scheme all happen to be related on an perceptive level, recommending a clear sense of essential cohesiveness. The source of innovation behind this alteration arises as a direct result of the emerging field of Communications, Theory, borrowing the critical concept of the met perspective. Based on this theoretical example, the concep tual groupings of virtues and values are cooperatively seen as subsets within this ladder of met perspectives, each more theoretical grouping constructing upon those which it succeed.There are ten levels hierarchy of met perspectives somewhat reproduced like GLORY reproduced as PRUDENCE, PROVIDENCE reproduced as FAITH, GRACE reproduced as BEAUTY, TRANQUILITY reproduced as ECSTACY , HONOR reproduce as JUSTICE, LIBERTY reproduced as HOPE, FREE WILL reproduced as TRUTH and EQUALITY reproduced as BLISS. The consistent hierarchy of qualities, morals, and best proves extremely complete in scope , accounting for almost every major ethical term renowned within the Western ethical tradition.It is simple to achieve a sense of the development towards increasing theoretical when examine each of the individually represent columns from top to bottom. Such external similarity, however, has an inadequate claim to be the complete picture; for it further proves probable to stand this hierarchy of fam ily values completely within a behavioral organization; specifically the vocabulary of operant conditioning recommended by the famous American psychologist ,B. F Skinner. The complete ten level of hierarchy of family values lastly accomplished the degree of authenticity applicable such accurate â€Å"technology of behavior.† Definitely, this new system proves particularly well appropriate for launching moral values to a new generation of youth. One of the important things learned in this course is the reality of distinct family values among different cultures. That there is a difference between an Asian culture specially to the Japanese. The grand unified theory of ethics in moral by Mr. John Lamuth is very applicable to Japanese family because they are very aware to their family reputation and moral. They give this kind of responsibility to all the housewives.That’s why all the mother or wives are responsible in maintaining social relations to their relatives, neighbo rs and for maintaining and managing the family reputation. In this theory we learn the importance of ethics and morality in a person itself. Because of this they can get the respect and love of others people. It is not hard for them to talk to them and ask for some help because we already planted a good moral for yourself. Japanese families gain this kind of high reputation. They possess some characteristics like being responsible, honest,loving and respectful from within and to their love ones.Meaning their family are intact and with a good relationship to each other. Japanese families are very ideal and somewhat to idolized by every family in Asian country and Western country too. They are really different to other families because even they are so busy they can save time too for their family specially Sunday. This is one good reason why they are so successful. Being successful and happy start first in the relationship we had for your own family. Family gives us the totality as a person. No one can understand you and love you like what your family gives you.Love, Care and Respect your family. Don’t be so selfish to give your love and attention to other member of the family and you will see in return that love and attention you give makes them feel better and very happy. Happiness makes a person successful because of doing their work easily.BIBLIOGRAPHYâ€Å"http://en. wikipedia. org. /wiki/Japanese_family†Http: www. furious. com/perfect/karaoke. html Modern Japan – Entertainment – Anime. htm Lamuth, John E. 1999, The Ultimate Guide to Family Values: A Grand Unified Theory of Ethics in Morality, California U. S. A

Friday, November 8, 2019

Symbols in Communication Essays - Semiotics, Charles Sanders Peirce

Symbols in Communication Essays - Semiotics, Charles Sanders Peirce Symbols in Communication Symbols can represent communication and as such are a form of language.Are humans truly the only primates that can understand language ? Can other species talk? Chimpanzees are competent in learning a basic form of language and can constructively express their ideas. Some scientists believe that one day these primates will be able to communicate masterfully through the use of signs and symbols. In our awareness of the chimpanzee?s inability to speak vocally, should we also exclude the from independent symbol creation? (Human Societies: An Introduction to Macrosociology. 9th ed. Nolan, Lenski, p. 15) To begin examining the origin of the use of symbols as a form of communication, one must look back in history almost 6000 years. Limestone tablets dated back to 3500 B.C. were found to bear some of the oldest known writing. On each tablet are symbols for head, hand, foot, threshing sledge, and several numerals. (Human Societies: An Introduction to Macrosociology. 9th ed. Patrick Nolan, Gerhard Lenski, p. 34) Although humans began writing structured messages as early as 6000 B.C., the actual use of symbols dates back almost 40,000 years ago.But what is language and what is communication and how does it works ? Verbal communication is far from the only form. First of all, a sign is something we directly encounter, yet at the same time it refers to something else. Thunder is a sign of rain. A punch in the nose is a sign of anger. An arrow is a sign of whatever it points toward.On the other hand, words are also signs, but of a special kind. In some way, they are symbols too. Unlike the example cited above, most symbols have no natural connection with the things they describe. There?s nothing in the sound of the word kiss or anything visual in the letters h-u-g that signifies an embrace. One could just as easily coin the term snarf or clag to symbolize a close encounter of the romantic kind. In our current world over 6500 various languages exist however when one smiles, the meaning is universal. Symbols hold incredible importance in global communication. So as coming for symbols, they are representations of an event, action, object, person, or place that can be used to communicate about the event, action, object, person, or place. Language is a code and every decoding is another encoding.In most essential way, symbols are something stand for something other than what it actually is.Symbols are more complex in their meaning and complex in what they evoke.Complex symbols corporate a mass of values, emotions, judgements and can be particularly powerful and explosive such as a flag or religious item.In some countries you can punished hard for burning a flag.Another example, if we burn a quran in Tibet, it means nothing however, if we burn it in Middle East, it will be quite explosive and serious.So symbols also actually depends where they are and for what they stand. Symbols can be used for both receptive and expressive communication. Objects, parts of objects, pictures, print, actions, gestures, signs, and speech can all be symbols. Symbols may start as cues and signals. If a child recognizes a cue out of context, that cue may be acting as a symbol. If a child uses a signal or an object cue to communicate about an event, action, object, person or place out of context, the child may be using that signal or cue as a symbol, as talking for humans.Maybe the most important thing thing about the symbols is The more a symbol resembles what it represents, the more concrete that symbol is. The less a symbol resembles what it represents, the more abstract that symbol is. Symbols in communication is important because not only human use it but also animals use it to communicate and in some cases well than human. In referring to our evolutionary brothers, the chimpanzees, we are not all that different. In fact, we share almost 99% of our DNA with chimpanzees. So one is forced to question why we have evolved so rapidly while our primate duplicate remains both primitive and indecisive in their societal structure.Maybe, the main question about communication and language is, as expressed

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Expressing Obligation in Spanish

Expressing Obligation in Spanish The verb deber and the verb phrase tener que are the two most common ways of expressing obligation in Spanish, to say that someone has to, should, ought or must do something. They are followed by the infinitive form of the verb. A few examples: Tengo que ayudar en las reparaciones. Debo ayudar en las reparaciones. (I have to help with the repairs.)Tiene que comprar y aà ±adir una nueva tarjeta prepagada de tiempo celular. Debe comprar y aà ±adir una nueva tarjeta prepagada de tiempo celular. (You have to buy and add a new prepaid card for cellphone time.)Tenemos que estudiar la historia de Colombia. Debemos estudiar la historia de Colombia. (We should study the history of Colombia.)Tuvo que irse a trabajar. Debià ³ irse a trabajar. (She had to go to work.) As in the above examples, tener que and deber are usually interchangeable. However, tener que usually expresses a stronger sense of obligation than does deber. Note that tener is conjugated irregularly. Deber, however, is conjugated regularly. The phrase no tener ms remedio que is one of the most common ways of expressing extremely strong obligation: No tiene ms remedio que decir la verdad. (He absolutely has to tell the truth.)No me dejas otra alternativa y no tengo ms remedio que aceptar. (You leave me no other choice, and I must accept.) Using Deber for a Weaker Sense of Obligation A weaker sense of obligation can be expressed by using the conditional form of deber. The conditional forms of deber are especially common in questions.  ¿Por quà © deberà ­a comprar un lavaplatos? (Why do I have to buy a dishwasher?)Deberà ­amos salir. (We need to get going.)Los economistas deberà ­an concentrar su atencià ³n en los desempleados. (The economists should focus their attention on the unemployed.) Using Haber De for a Vague Sense of Obligation A vague sense of obligation can also be expressed by use of haber de, although it isnt used in all areas and can sound stuffy. Example: He de estar a dieta, I need to be on a diet. Sometimes the verb necesitar is also used as equivalent of tener que or deber, although it is less common than the corresponding English verb, to need: Necesito obtener certificacià ³n para trabajar. (I need to get certification in order to work.)Necesitas hablar de lo que te preocupa. (You need to talk about whats worrying you.) Note: It is possible that you will hear native speakers substitute deber de for deber when expressing obligation. However, this use of deber is considered substandard by some grammarians and is probably best avoided by those who are learning the language. (The accepted way to use deber de is to express likelihood. Example: Debe de llover en Managua, its probably raining in Managua.)

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Design of a Motor Speed Sampling, Amplification, Filtering and Display Essay - 1

Design of a Motor Speed Sampling, Amplification, Filtering and Display Circuit - Essay Example Based on the requirements of the course, it is mandatory that the current signal be converted between the ranges -2.5 mA to 2.5 Ma and through a voltage signal ranging between the voltages of 2 V to 3 V. When all the recommended conversions have been done, then it is advisable that any noise that may be available be suppressed in AC signals that have frequencies that exceed 100 Hz. When all these have been carried out, the analogue circuit is converted into digital signals and A to D converter is maintained at 8 bit. The 8 bit of the digital signal is then relayed onto the 7-segment for display. The converter finally gives the ADC clock of the whole system. This course work may be analyzed based on two major components. These components include analogue circuits of the system and the digital circuits of the system. The analogue circuits of the system operate on signals of low currents that are meant for conversion to the voltage signals. The noise is then filtered out from the signals of the AC. The analogue circuit consists of the following parts thus, rectifiers, low pass filters, and the amplifiers (Gieras & Wing 2002). The rectifiers are used to convert alternative current voltages into the signals of direct current voltages, the low pass filters are used to filter the noise that might be present in the alternative current voltage signals that have been amplified, and finally, amplifiers are used in the amplification of the small signals of the currents into the required voltage signal ranges. The part of the digital circuit is categorized into the following thus, converters classified as A to D, the 8-bit synchronous counter, and decoders classified as BCD and SSD. The D to A converters are used in the conversion of the analogue circuit signals to the digital circuit signals. The converter feeds the ADC clock of the system. BCD to SSD converters are used

Friday, November 1, 2019

Professional Development Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Professional Development - Assignment Example As I began to consider civil engineering as a suitable career, I became more aware of the time that I spent studying and learning, at my own will, about a great deal of construction, design, and architecture topics, along with mathematics, science, and project management that are all relevant to civil engineering. I am an observant listener and I believe that learning from others’ advice and experiences will be useful input for career development, especially from those who are engaged in the civil engineering profession. At present, I do believe that I possess a number of skills and attributes which may be valuable if I pursue my preferred career, such as technical skills for design and construction. My analytical and problem-solving skills and excellent use of computer applications are significant in dealing with engineering projects in the future. Moreover, I also possess soft skills such as confidence and team spirit which may be favorable in working with a team. Team performance has been suggested to significantly influence organisational performance (Tarricone and Luca 2002), making such skills critical in contemporary organisations. I strongly believe in the power of motivation and I try to be a good example to others, especially when faced with difficulty. I do not fear unexpected comes as I trust that there is always a solution to a problem. In a state of uncertainty, it is better to be creative and make the best use of opportunities (Vakola and Nikolauo 2005). However, I also have weak points, particularly in management skills. Although I can consider myself as capable of managing projects with my technical abilities and dealing with other people through my values, these are not enough. There is a need for engineers to be highly capable of managing all processes involved in a managerial role to allow for coherence and holism. I find it difficult to be organised, and this is a